Military-applied physical cadets training.


  • Вадим Миколайович Красота (Vadim Krasota) Academy of Naval Forces of P.S. Nakhimov, Ukraine



cadet, model, officer, structure, physical training


Goal: The formation of structural system model of military-applied physical cadets training of higher military institutions. Material and methods: scientific, managerial and documentary sources. Results: Usage of the basic theory tenets of outrunning reality reflection lets us to define the main structural model’s characteristics and components (directionally informative, functional implementing, effective) of military-applied system of cadets physical training in the higher military school. This model, reflecting the interaction of its two major subsystems (subject and object of training and education), reasonably formed with respect to the direction of the educational process for outstripping cadets adapt to the specific mode of future professional activity. Usage of certain provisions (on the study results) reflected during the programmed stages of learning: adaptive, base-formational, fixing, realizable. Conclusions: The structural system model of military-applied physical training that was developed, marked the beginning of practical realization of its content component in the cadets educational process of higher military educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Красота (Vadim Krasota) В. М. (2014). Military-applied physical cadets training. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(40), 85–89.


