The research of competition activity of top-level female sprinters in the 4х100-metre relays




relay race, coefficient of technical efficiency, kinematic descriptions


Purpose: to analyze indicators of competition performance of highly skilled female sprinters in the 4х100-metre relay race. Material and methods: analysis and generalization of literary sources, analysis and treatment of video data, time- keeping. In research the members of the national team of Ukraine took part in the 4х100-metre relay race. Results: described are  the coefficients  of technical efficiency of performance of the relay  teams- prizewinners of World cup in track-and-field  in town of Tegu (2011). Kinematic  features of technical skills  of the relay pairs  are described  at a time of receiving and passing of relay baton in the "area of relaying". Conclusions: results of the 4х100-metre relay race do not depend only on speed possibilities of the team participants, but also on the method of  passing  baton.


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How to Cite

Шестерова (Lyudmyla Shesterova) Л. Є., & Погребняк (Natalia Pohrebniak) Н. О. (2014). The research of competition activity of top-level female sprinters in the 4х100-metre relays. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(40), 131–134.


