The concept and principles of psychological training the development of empathy of future specialists of physical education and sport




psychological training, principles, empathy, specialists in physical education and sport


Purpose: based on the analysis of the literature to form the concept and principles of psychological training development of the empathy in future specialists in physical education and sport. Material and Methods: The analysis of national and foreign literature, of the illuminating the specific features of the psychological training of physical education specialists for the development of their ability to understand the feelings and experiences of wards. results: formulated the concept of the formation of the system of internal self-control and the basic principles of empathy training of future specialists in physical education and sport. conclusions: proposed the concept of psychological training gives you the opportunity to explore complex, emotionally important issues of personal development in a safe environment training to strengthen the motivation to self-development and uptake of relevant skills of introspection and self-regulation.


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How to Cite

Синиця Андрій Володимирович (Andriy S., & Бублик Сергій Анатолійович (Serhij B. (2014). The concept and principles of psychological training the development of empathy of future specialists of physical education and sport. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(41), 97–100.


