Study of technique-tactical preparedness of the «Gelios» team (Kharkov) by the results of the first round of the 20th Ukrainian football championship in the first league (2011–2012 years)


  • С. М. Журід Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


technique-tactical actions, total number of actions, defect coefficient, percentage proportion of the different technique-tactical actions in the total structure of the team game


Technique-tactical indices of the «Gelios» team (Kharkov) by the results of the first round in the Ukrainian football championship in the first league obtained by the method of the expert estimation are considered. Average meanings of the registered values for 11 games were determined. Different technique-tactical actions and their percentage proportion in the total structure of the team game were analyzed. Number of the games with the participation of the players of «Gelios» team (Kharkov) was counted. Team strikers were determined.


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How to Cite

Журід, С. М. (2011). Study of technique-tactical preparedness of the «Gelios» team (Kharkov) by the results of the first round of the 20th Ukrainian football championship in the first league (2011–2012 years). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(27), 46–50. Retrieved from


