Competent and personality approaches in the process of professional-educational preparation of future teachers of physical education


  • Л. О. Демінська Donetsk State Institute of Health, Physical Education and Sport at the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Ukraine


competence, personality, approach, professionalism


Forming of modern teacher of physical education comes from the obligatory use of competent and personal approach the process of professional-pedagogical preparation. The competence of future teacher is determined by the high level of professional knowledge and abilities that are needed for the decision of pedagogical tasks. A personal approach allows to realize humanism principles in the system of education, promotes in comprehensive development of necessary professional qualities of future teacher, ready to the maintenance of health and development of personality of students.


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How to Cite

Демінська, Л. О. (2010). Competent and personality approaches in the process of professional-educational preparation of future teachers of physical education. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(27), 182–186. Retrieved from


