Method of evaluation of special physical fitness of fourteen-year-old football players


  • А. Шварц Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk (Poland), Poland
  • П. Ліпіньська Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk (Poland), Poland
  • Б. Доланьські Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk (Poland), Poland


soccer, youth players, motor-skills tests, reliability, valid


The purpose of this paper was to work out reliability and valid of test tasks to estimate level of specific motor skills and technical and tactical abilities of fourteen-year-old boys practicing football. Sixteen young football players from Youth sports training centre in Gdansk were participating in tests. On the basis of analysis of the literature and by own experience thirteen tasks of tests were selected. Rreliability of tests was assessed using test-re-test method. Valid of tests was estimated by criterion of internal accuracy of tests. Scientific requirements for motor-skills tests were satisfied in all using tests. Finally, using statistic analysis (linear regression equation, Hellwig`s method of the optimal choice of explanatory variables), five test tasks, contributing most to assess the players' game, were selected. Final five-tasks set, describing in 86,4 percent playing of fourteen-years-old football players, was found as a proper tool for a control of specific motor skills of football players in that age.


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How to Cite

Шварц, А., Ліпіньська, П., & Доланьські, Б. (2011). Method of evaluation of special physical fitness of fourteen-year-old football players. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 38–42. Retrieved from


