Injures of insertion apparatus of vertebral bodies at different terms of motive activity


  • А. Є. Сак Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


bodies of vertebrae, intervertebral disks, insertion vehicle of bodies of vertebrae, hypokinesia, hyperkinesias in an experiment


On experimental material by methods, macro- and microscopes’ are investigational changes of areas of fastening of fibrotic ring intervertebral a disk to vertebrae bodies apophyges’ in the conditions of hypokinesia and hyperkinesias’. It is set that in the conditions of hypokinesia of damage of area of fastening of fibrotic ring to the bodies of vertebrae apophyges’ it is related to the edema of fabrics intervertebral a disk and divergences of fibers of fibrotic plates. In the conditions of physical overloads exactly area of insertion vehicle by the locus of high structural damages and dystrophic defeats of fibrotic ring. The feature of damage of spine comes into a question at the different modes of motive activity for prophylactic program development.


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How to Cite

Сак, А. Є. (2011). Injures of insertion apparatus of vertebral bodies at different terms of motive activity. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 84–87. Retrieved from


