A functional analysis of organization of introduction of state standards of physical preparedness of students is in Institutes of higher of province of Hebei


  • Лихуа Ван Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


introduction, state standards, physical preparedness, factors, backlogs.


Based on functional analysis the organization of introduction of the state standards of physical preparedness of students young steers of the unspecialized Institutes of higher education of province of Hebei is examined in the article. Maintenance of state standards grounded, the separate aspects of introduction of standards are analyzed in an educational process, and factors influencing work on the evaluation of physical preparedness of students are exposed. Organizational backlogs of optimization of process of deployment of standards management are determined by the author.


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How to Cite

Ван, Л. (2011). A functional analysis of organization of introduction of state standards of physical preparedness of students is in Institutes of higher of province of Hebei. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1), 131–135. Retrieved from https://journals.uran.ua/index.php/1991-0177/article/view/39977


