Effect of recreational activities on the physical development of girls 11–12 years of the preparatory medical group


  • Марина Пруднікова




adolescence, morphology, physical qualities


Maryna Prudnikova

Purpose: conduct research on the impact of recreational activities on changes in the body's systems of girls 11 and 12 years of preparatory medical group.

Material & Methods: 20 girls aged 11 and 12 who participated in the program developed by us during the year participated in the experiment. Assessment of the physical state of the body was carried out with the help of pedagogical and medico-biological methods.

Results: based on the results of the study, the dynamics of morphological and functional indices and the level of physical qualities of girls 11 and 12 years of the preparatory medical group.

Conclusion: results of the conducted study confirm the effectiveness of using recreational exercises with the help of various means that positively influenced the state of the systems of the organism of the girls of the preparatory medical group.


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How to Cite

Пруднікова, М. (2017). Effect of recreational activities on the physical development of girls 11–12 years of the preparatory medical group. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(62), 85–89. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2017-6.017


