Method of control of energy consumption on the multicomponent movement of the implementation of the elements of complex coordination task


  • Наталія Батєєва
  • Петро Кизім
  • Сергій Гуменюк



frequency response, pulse, motor activity, integral


Nataliya Batieieva, Petro Kyzim & Serhii Humeniuk

Purpose: to synchronize the interdependent relations of the structures of the dynamic stereotype of the behavior of the whole organism in the case of a multicomponent motor performance of the elements of a complex coordination task.

Material & Methods: the material for this work was the empirical results obtained in the study by means of repetitive performances, which consisted of a comparison of the pulse rate to execution, during its execution, was the beginning of the initial pulse rate before performing the further motor element of the integral exercise complex. The main method is the statistical processing of empirical data, on the basis of which geometric constructions were carried out, which were approximated by analytical expressions and their subsequent analysis.

Results: on the basis of the research and subsequent analysis of the frequency characteristics of the pulse when performing an integrated set of exercises determined the structure of the training process.

Conclusions: using the new integral method in the existing structure of the training process, it is successful to evaluate the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the motor activity, determines the effectiveness of the method of controlling energy consumption for multi-component movement of the implementation of elements of complex coordination tasks.


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How to Cite

Батєєва, Н., Кизім, П., & Гуменюк, С. (2019). Method of control of energy consumption on the multicomponent movement of the implementation of the elements of complex coordination task. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(69), 62–65.


