The study of the functional state of athletes using new methodological approaches


  • Кирило Юрійович Бойченко (Cyril Boichenko) Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine



volleyball, computer software, functional status, medical and biological control, optimization


Purpose:determining the functional state of the volleyball players of 18–22 years in the preparatory period of the annual cycle of training with a computer program "Sport-Express". Material and methods: the survey was conducted by 11 teams of female players "Orbita University" aged 18–22 years (Zaporozhe, Ukraine Premier League championship in volleyball). Results: shows the dynamics of changes in preparation for the season. Found that under the influence of training sessions at surveyed volleyball observed not only optimize their functional systems, but also significantly improves the level of functional state of the organism as a whole. Conclusions:we prove that the evaluation of the functional state of sportsmen should play an important role in the overall system of medical and biological control due to significant additional information about the state of their body and the possibility of timely correction of physical activity and prevention activities.


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How to Cite

Бойченко (Cyril Boichenko) К. Ю. (2014). The study of the functional state of athletes using new methodological approaches. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(40), 38–41.


