Motivation of students pedagogical skills to physical education




students, physical education, motivation, education, specialty


Purpose: to describe the motivation to physical education of pedagogical skills girls in the context of motivation to learn and motivation to succeed. Material and Methods: 90 second-year students of pedagogical specialties were researched (30 girls from pre-school education, philological and economic faculties) Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Results: described the motivation of students in physical education by the analysis of involvement of subject and the target set. Student's motivation to learning activities and their level to success motivation were additionally investigated. Conclusions: is outlined reason of not formed internal motivation of students’ physical training in general psychological orientation of the girls that sufficiently shown in context of motivation to learn and progress.


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How to Cite

Безверхня Галина Василівна (Galina B., & Маєвський Микола Іванович (Mykola M. (2015). Motivation of students pedagogical skills to physical education. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(46), 28–33.


