The improvement of technical skill at the stage of the specialized basic preparation in fitness by means of powerlifting


  • (Ivan Ivanov) Іванов Іван Валентинович Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Ukraine



physical preparation, fitness, video analysis, powerlifting exercises


Purpose: to develop methodical recommendations of the improvement of technical skill at the stage of the specialized basic preparation in fitness by means of powerlifting. Material and Methods: masters of sports in powerlifting and candidates for the master of sports in powerlifting – members of a national team on weightlifting and powerlifting of the Kharkov area took part in the research. Methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization, analysis of scientific literature, pedagogical supervision, pedagogical experiment, video registration method, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: we developed a number of methodical recommendations which are submitted on finishing technical skill on the basis of the analysis of technique of a performance of the competitive exercise deadlift which is made by means of the program Dartfish by highly skilled sportsmen. As a result of the experiment it is established that the gain of result was more significant in the experimental group which was engaged by the developed technique. Conclusions: it is experimentally proved that the use of computer programs of video registration allows improving qualitatively the feedback between a coach and a sportsman, optimizing the process of training of a sportsman and correction of his technique, increasing the gain of sports result.


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How to Cite

Іванов Іван Валентинович (Ivan I. (2015). The improvement of technical skill at the stage of the specialized basic preparation in fitness by means of powerlifting. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(49), 57–62.


