Gender differences of athletes in different classification groups of sports and sport disciplines




gender differences, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, biological sex, sociocultural sex, kinds of sports


Tarasevych O. 

Purpose: to identify the percentage of masculine, androgynous and feminine figures in different classification groups, sports and sports disciplines, depending on the sport qualification.

Material & Methods: the study was conducted on the basis of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture among students – representatives of different sports that have different athletic skills using analysis and compilation of scientific and methodical literature, survey, testing the procedure S. Bam "Masculinity / femininity "Processing and statistical data.

Results: based on the testing method established S. Bam percentage masculine, androgynous and feminine personalities among athletes and athletes in various sports classification groups depending on their athletic skills.

Conclusions: among sportsmen and women in a variety of classification groups of sports is not revealed feminine personalities; masculine identity, among both men and women predominate in sports; androgyny attitude towards men and women are different.


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How to Cite

Тарасевич, Е. А. (2016). Gender differences of athletes in different classification groups of sports and sport disciplines. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(52), 117–120.


