Evaluating the effectiveness of the integrated use of sporting plays to optimize the cardiorespiratory system functional state of students 18–19 years old





the process of physical education classes, sectional, sports, students 18–19 years, experimental program effectiveness


Cherednychenko, I.  

Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated use of sports in improving the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the 18–19 year-old students in the breakout sessions in terms of higher education.

Material & Methods: the study included 25 female students aged 18–19 years who were engaged in sports games within the section physical education classes in high school. To assess the functional status cardiorespiratory physiological systems using traditional methods and computer program "Oberig".

Results: the study of students experimental group (n=11) who were involved in the program to the integrated use of means of sports (volleyball, basketball, handball) were recorded significantly higher, compared to the students in the control group (n=14) who engaged in one kind of sports (volleyball), indicators of functional status of their cardiorespiratory system of the body.

Conclusions: the author confirmed the high efficiency program of physical education for students 18–19 years of integrated use of sports facilities, which contributes to a substantial optimization of the functional state of their body.


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How to Cite

Чередниченко, И. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of the integrated use of sporting plays to optimize the cardiorespiratory system functional state of students 18–19 years old. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(54), 116–122. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2016-4.021


