Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 41 (2021): Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice
Published: 2022-01-10

The Modern banking. The problems and prospects of development

The topical questions about the development of finance, account and audit

The models and process technology of the financial information

Economic-theoretical aspect of Financial Credit System's development

The social-humanitarian context of transformational finance-economical processes

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Collection of scientific works "Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice" is published by the Banking University since 2006.

The collection covers issues of economics, accounting, finance and banking. It is designed for specialists in banking and financial systems, managers and specialists of enterprises of all forms of ownership, scientists and students of higher education institutions.

Frequency - 6 times a year (until 2018 the collection was published twice a year; during 2018-2020 - 2 times a year).

The Certificate of State Registration is КВ №24619-14559ПР from 16.10.2020 (previous - КВ №21816-11716ПР).

 International Standard Serial Number (ISSN):

– 2306-4994 (Print);

– 2310-8770 (Online).

The collection of scientific works is included in group A of the list of professional publications of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 612 from 07.05.2019) by specialties:

  • 051 "Economy";
  • 071 "Accounting and taxation";
  • 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance";
  • 073 "Management";
  • 075 "Marketing";
  • 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities";
  • 292 "International Economic Relations".


Collection of scientific works "Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice" is presented in international information and scientometric databases: