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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).

Author Guidelines

Requirements are in relation to registration of text

1. All manuscripts should be sent to the editor using this site. To this it is required registration. Language - Ukrainian, Russian or English.

2. According to the decree of the Presidium of HAC of Ukraine from 15.01.2003 № 7-05/1 papers should have the necessary elements: problem statement, analysis of research and publications, in which it is founded the decision of this problem, the selection name of the problem, which is dedicated to the given paper, the formulation of the objectives of the article; presentation of material, the research conclusions, the prospects for its further development. In this regard, scientific and technical articles and reports of scientific research achievements and practical results should be structured - divided into sections with headings. For example, scientific and technical articles (posts), or materials on the description (presentation) of new equipment: Introduction, problem statement, theoretical statements, methods and means of experimental research, principles and circuit-design features of developed equipment, experiments, tests developed equipment, recommendations and conclusions.

3. The manuscript, which the last page signed by all authors, accompanied granted Ukrainian, Russian and English names and initials of authors, article title, keyword, text annotations - 1 note, Information about authors (surname, name, surname, academic degree, academic status, place of work - business name, organization, indicating the city and state location, position, home or business address, telephone number) - 1 note; diskette with the files specified materials.

4. The article must adhere to the terminology adopted state standards - volume, using a new term or abbreviation should decipher and explain them.

5. Formulas, figures, tables, partitions must be a simple continuous Arabic numbering. Do not numbered sections and formulas, if they have no reference in the text. Photo illustrations, if possible, should replace the pictures. Accommodation photo illustrations should be agreed with the Editorial Board.

6. References are given by reference and shall be issued under previous editions of “Transactions of “KPI” this series) the names of articles, books, issues, abstracts of reports, abstracts of theses listed in the original language. For articles provided their name, title of publication, year, volume, number, beginning and ending pages for books - title, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages. For books should indicate ISBN index.

7. Papers should be typed in a text editor (headset Times New Roman), spacing - single. Full (including placement of illustrations) volume provides them materials should be at: Scientific-technical articles - 4 - 8 pages; review articles not more than 12 pages, an achievement of scientific results - from 2 to 4 p. Allowed to exceed the amount specified in consultation with the editorial.

8. Page text box: top 25 mm, bottom 30 mm, left 30, right 20 mm, header and footer margins (top, bottom) 12,5 mm, paragraph 7 mm.

9. The location and design rules text of the article must conform to the previous issue of issue of NTUU "KPI" this series:

- in the upper left corner of the first page of text - UDC index (without the paragraph, Times New Roman, 12 pt);

- skipping a line and leveled “from the center” - title in capital letters (Times New Roman, 14 points, bold);

- skipping a line and leveled "the center" - names of the authors (Times New Roman, 14 pt, italic, bold);

- missing line - text (Times New Roman, 14 pt, spacing - single);

- for a list of references - font Times New Roman, 12 pt, spacing - single.

Sections are not separated. The section headings select “bold” and direct in separately the line of text, leveled “from the center” (Times New Roman, 14 pt).

9. Formulas mark typed in the Formula Editor as separate objects size: variable - 14 pt, a large index-10 pt, small index - 8 pt, large symbol - 18 pt, small symbol - 12 pt, Cyrillic, Greek and digits, straight, Latin-italic.

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