The problem of personality development in consideration of domestic theories of personalty belonging to metaphysical tradition


  • Александр Анатольевич Бреусенко-Кузнецов National technical university of Ukraine «The Kiev Polytechnical Institute» Peremogi ave. 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03035, Ukraine



theory of personality, metaphysics, tradition, methodology, methodological pluralism, development of personality, self-determination


The article is devoted to the domestic metaphysical tradition in personology. The importance of the tradition for development of modern psychology of personality is revealed. Domestic metaphysical theories are reconstructed on the author's structural model and considered in the aspect of their understanding of development of personality. The basic tendencies defining the uniform approach to development of personality of domestic metaphysical tradition in personology are determined. Metaphysical models of periodization of personality development are presented.

Author Biography

Александр Анатольевич Бреусенко-Кузнецов, National technical university of Ukraine «The Kiev Polytechnical Institute» Peremogi ave. 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03035

The candidate of psychological sciences, the Associate Professor

Faculty of psychology and pedagogics


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Psychological science