Synthesis of nomogram for the calculation of suboptimal chemical composition of the structural cast iron on the basis of the parametric description of the ultimate strength response surface




structural cast iron, suboptimal chemical composition, regression equation, stationary region, ridge analysis, nomogram


Based on the mathematical model describing the effect of carbon (C) and the carbon equivalent (CEQ) on the ultimate strength (US) of structural cast iron, a parametric description of the response surface US = US (С, СEQ) is performed. It is shown that, for the model considered in the form of a regression equation, the application of ridge analysis makes it possible to find a set of suboptimal values of the input variables (С, СEQ) that ensure the production of specified grades of structural cast iron. A graphical representation of such sets forms a nomogram for calculating the suboptimal chemical composition of structural cast iron

Author Biography

Dmitriy Demin, National Technical University «Kharkіv Polytechnic Institute» Kyrpychova str., 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Foundry Production


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Technical Sciences