Technique of development of information and technical method of optimization of carrying out of emergency and rescue works related to emergency situations in the zone of urban infrastructure
emergency, QR-coding, management, rescue units, optimization, information technology methodAbstract
The paper analyzes the current state of technogenic and natural security in cities and urban-type settlements in Ukraine, identifies the main contradictions in the organization of actions of emergency and rescue units. The assumption about the possibility of influencing the effectiveness of the actions of rescue units of modern information and communication technologies, namely, QR-coding technology, is substantiated. A scheme for organizing informational QR-support in the zone of possible emergency is proposed. On the basis of the latter, the ways of implementation and the structure of an information technology method for optimizing rescue operations in the area of urban infrastructure are determined
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Copyright (c) 2019 Victor Strelets, Olga Shevchenko, Roman Shevchenko

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