Geological peculiarities of inundation preventing of gas condensate deposits


  • Наталія Василівна Сіра Subsidiary enterprise of national joint-stock company “Nadra Ukrayny” “Ukrainian geological center of industry and research” 36019, Poltava, Marshala Biruzova str., 53, Ukraine



water-soluble gases, nitrogen, ethane, filtration-volumetric properties, inundation, graph-analytic method


In order to prevent inundation of gas condensate fields the authors have derived a correlation between nitrogen and ethane content in water-soluble gases, changes in their concentration in free gases in the process of exploration, and geological peculiarities of deposits. The authors prove practicability of application of the pilot graph-analytic method of control over early inundation, using nitrogen as the main indicator and ethane as additional one.

Author Biography

Наталія Василівна Сіра, Subsidiary enterprise of national joint-stock company “Nadra Ukrayny” “Ukrainian geological center of industry and research” 36019, Poltava, Marshala Biruzova str., 53

Head of integrated analytical laboratory


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Geological Sciences