Phytomorphic metaphor in the concept envy in the religious discourse of the church fathers


  • Оксана Василівна Ясіновська Lviv National University name by Ivan Franko Universitetcka, 1, Lvov, Ukraine, 79000, Ukraine



conceptual features, conceptual metaphor, cognitive model, concept ENVY, religious discourse, Church fathers


This article deals with the research results of metaphoric conceptualization of categories of the human inner world within the Christian religious discourse. Basing on the representative texts of Church fathers, the means of secondary nomination of the concept 'envy' are analyzed. They are represented by phytomorphic images. Generic and specific conceptual features of the ‘envy’-plant are discovered. The importance of phytomorphic code in the Christian religious worldview is pointed. The pragmatic potential of the phytomorphic metaphor is determined. 

Author Biography

Оксана Василівна Ясіновська, Lviv National University name by Ivan Franko Universitetcka, 1, Lvov, Ukraine, 79000

Assistent professor

Department of General Linguistics


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