Veterinary and sanitary control of microbiological parametrs of beef carcasses and sanitary conditions of their production


  • Вікторія Вікторівна Касянчук Sumy Nationality Agrarian University, Ukraine
  • Ольга Миколаївна Єфімова Sumy National Agrarian University Gerasima Kondraieva 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021, Ukraine
  • Олександра Миколаївна Бергілевіч Sumy National Agrarian University Gerasima Kondraieva 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021, Ukraine
  • Олександр Іванович Скляр Sumy National Agrarian University Gerasima Kondraieva 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021, Ukraine
  • Володимир Борисович Кустуров Odessa regional state veterinary and sanitary control and supervision on border and transport st. Bozhenka 19, Odessa, Ukraine, 65009, Ukraine



beef carcasses, slaughterhouses, sanitation, Enterobacteriaceae, TBC, microbiological criteria


It is determined that the number of Enterobacteriaceae family bacteria and total bacterial count (TBC) on the surfaces of beef carcasses depends on the level of sanitation in slaughterhouses, season and the sampling place. It is established that given an adequate level of sanitation the number of Enterobacteriaceae family bacteria on the surface of the carcass averaged: after skinning 3,22±0,7 Log CFU / cm2, and after evisceration - 3,37±0,7 Log CFU / cm2

Author Biographies

Вікторія Вікторівна Касянчук, Sumy Nationality Agrarian University

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of Chair of technology milk and meat

GoogleScholar profile: link


Professional (scientific) interests: veterinary hygiene and sanitation, veterinary and sanitary expertise, food safety, veterinary obstetrics

Selected Publications:

1. Kasjanchuk V., Bergіlevich, O., Krizhanіvs'kij, Ja., Kuhtin, M. (2006). Organіzacіja veterinarno-sanіtarnogo kontrolju virobnictva moloka korov’jachogo na fermі vіdpovіdno do vimog SOT. Vet. medicina Ukraini, 7, 38–40.

2. Ostapjuk, M. P., Kasjanchuk, V. V., Bergіlevich, O. M., Bergіlevich, O. O. (2010). Vivchennja sanіtarno-gіgієnіchnih umov virobnictva moloka na molochnih fermah dlja zabezpechennja umov nalezhnoї gіgієnіchnoї praktiki. Naukovij vіsnik, 12, 3 (45), 243–248.

3. Bergilevich, A. N., Grishina, E. A., Kasjanchuk, V. V. (2014). Identification of Enterobacter sakazakii in raw milk for dry infant formula production. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2/12 (68), 42–47.

4. Efіmova, O. M., Bergіlevich, O. M., Marchenko, A. M., Kasjanchuk, V. V. (2014). Analіz nevіdpovіdnostej u molochnih produktah, priznachenih dlja eksportu za pokaznikami bezpechnostі. Molochnaja industrija, 1, 20–24.

5. Efіmova, O. M., Kasjanchuk, V. V. (2014). Analіz mіkrobіologіchnoї bezpechnostі nacіonal'noї produkcії tvarinnogo pohodzhennja, priznachenoї dlja eksportu. Veterinarna medicina Ukraini, 1 (215), 30–34.

6. Bergіlevich O. M., Kasjanchuk, V. V. (2013). Harakteristika stupenіv riziku stosovno bakterіj Enterobacter sakazakii v molocі korіv pіslja pasterizacіi. Vіsnik Sums'kogo nacіonal'nogo agrarnogo unіversitetu, 2 (32), 46–50.

7. Kasjanchuk, V. V., Skljar, O. І., Bergіlevich, O. M. (2013). Pokaznik kіl'kostі somatichnih klіtin u zbіrnomu siromu molocі korіv – vazhlive dzherelo іnformacії pro jogo jakіst' ta umovi otrimannja. Veterinarna medicina Ukraini, 02 (204), 24–28.

Ольга Миколаївна Єфімова, Sumy National Agrarian University Gerasima Kondraieva 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021


Олександра Миколаївна Бергілевіч, Sumy National Agrarian University Gerasima Kondraieva 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Technology (chair of Milk and MeatTechnology) 

Олександр Іванович Скляр, Sumy National Agrarian University Gerasima Kondraieva 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of therapy, pharmacology and clinical diagnostics

Володимир Борисович Кустуров, Odessa regional state veterinary and sanitary control and supervision on border and transport st. Bozhenka 19, Odessa, Ukraine, 65009



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Veterinary science