World currency of future in the management of financial security


  • Марія-Маряна Романівна Деревацька IMPE University of Banking National bank of Ukraine Andriivska, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 01001, Ukraine



financial security, future world currency, "sucre", "afro", "amerо" credit money, non-fiat electronic money, Bitcoin


An important condition for ensuring the financial security of any country is the stability of the currency, and the optimal mode of convertibility. The trend towards globalization, consolidation and interpenetration of economies leads to the need to create a single currency area and search of the currency, which is able to mediate the exchange of goods and services on a global scale

Author Biography

Марія-Маряна Романівна Деревацька, IMPE University of Banking National bank of Ukraine Andriivska, 1, Kiev, Ukraine, 01001

Postgraduate stusent

Departament of banking


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