Features of strategy of innovative management by educational system


  • Олена Володимирівна Алейнікова University of Educational Management of NAPS of Ukraine Artema Street, 52-а, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine




educational system, strategy of innovative management, educational innovation projects, innovation management


Attention is focused on the features of innovative processes and strategy of innovative management for educational transformation. It is marked the necessity of application of sociological approach, mechanisms of realization of aims of innovative management in the field of education. Basic models of the educational innovations are presented. The ways of implementing organizational innovations are certain in the system of education with the purpose of increase of competitiveness of educational institutions and quality of education

Author Biography

Олена Володимирівна Алейнікова, University of Educational Management of NAPS of Ukraine Artema Street, 52-а, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor,

Manager of Department of Project Management and GSD 


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