Immunohistochemical structural pecularities of uterine tube of fetuses with signs of intrauterine infection


  • Лариса Сергеевна Куприянова Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine pr. 50 anniversary of the USSR, 27a, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000 Kharkiv National Medical University Lenina ave., 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000, Ukraine



fetus, pregnancy, intrauterine infection, connective tissue, primary infertility


Aim - immunohistochemical detection of structural features of the uterine tubes of fetuses with signs of intrauterine infection.

Methods: anthropometric, macroscopic, organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, statistical.

Object of research - the uterine tubes of antenatal dead fetuses. The control group consisted of 25 fetuses of healthy mothers; the comparison group is 15 fetuses with signs of intrauterine infection. Fetal infection confirmed by laboratory methods; the presence of TORCH infections, cytomegalovirus, herpes infection and chlamydial infection is determined.

Results: indicators of weight and body length of the fetus of the comparison group were significantly reduced. Unidirectional changes are established in the definition of the mass and the length of the uterine tubes of fetuses with signs of intrauterine infection. Massive growth of connective tissue in the mucosa, the mucous membrane and muscle membrane of wall of the uterine tube of fetus in the comparison group is shown by histological methods. Violation of collagen formation in the connective tissue in the uterine tubes of fetuses with signs of intrauterine infection is found by immunohistochemistry method.

Conclusions: The reduction of anthropometric and organometric indicators in fetuses of comparison group is shown. Sclerosis and atrophy, as well as violations of collagen-synthesizing function are predominated in the main structural components of the wall of the uterine tube of fetuses in the comparison group. The revealed changes in the future ontogenesis may lead to the development of primary infertility

Author Biography

Лариса Сергеевна Куприянова, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine pr. 50 anniversary of the USSR, 27a, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000 Kharkiv National Medical University Lenina ave., 4, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61000

Candidate of Medical Science Associate Professor

The department of criminology, forensic medicine and psychiatry

Extramural doctoral student

Department of Pathological Anatomy


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