Detection of the criteria of prognostication of efficency of chronic acquired toxoplasmosis treatment


  • Оксана Вячеславовна Боброва Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education 58, Korchagintsev St, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61176, Ukraine



chronic acquired toxoplasmosis, prognostic coefficients (PC), informativity of (I) signs, antiprotozoal therapy, anti-toxoplasmosis immunoglobulin.


The great number of treatment schemes of toxoplasmosis predetermines the question for clinician how to choose the most effective therapy regimen.

Aim. Detection of the criteria of prognostication of efficiency of the treatment patients with the chronic acquired toxoplasmosis (CAT) in an acute phase before and after the complex therapy.

Methods. For attaining the set aim we examined 143 patients (92 women and 51 men) 18-75 years old with CAT in an acute phase.

For evaluation of efficiency of the complex antiparasitic pathogenetic therapy and the character of dynamics of the studying indicators there was carried out the repeat examination of 143 patients in 1-2 and 5-6 month after the end of treatment.

Results. An efficiency of considered treatment regimens depends on an initial pathogenetic determinant specific for each of them and its calculation allows prognosticate and individualize the treatment of patients.

Conclusions. The immunological parameters, data of clinical blood analysis and biochemical indicators of the liver function and also the clinical-anamnestic indicators have the predictor properties that allows use it for prognosis of efficiency of CAT treatment. 

An efficiency of the different treatment regimens of toxoplasmosis can be prognosticated on the base of initial values of parameters of homeostasis of patient’s organism.

An efficiency of elaborated algorithms of prognosis of efficiency of the different regimens of CAT therapy was 86,7-90% at the reliability ≥95%, that allows recommend it for clinical use.

The use of prognostic algorithms allows individualize the treatment of patients with CAT. 

Author Biography

Оксана Вячеславовна Боброва, Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education 58, Korchagintsev St, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61176

Department of Infectious Diseases

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences


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