Physical rehabilitation of patients with lumbar spine dorsopathy at the hospital stage of treatment


  • Максим Валериевич Манин State Establishment «DNIPROPETROVSK MEDICAL ACADEMI of Health Ministry of Ukraine» Dserginskogo 9 st. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49044, Ukraine



hospital period, physical rehabilitation, lumbar spine dorsopathy, way of complex treatment.


The aim of the work is an ascertainment of efficiency of the use of an offered way of the complex treatment of the lumbar spine dorsopathies at the hospital stage of treatment as the more effective one comparing to the standard method of the therapeutic physical training for patients with the lumbar spine dorsopathies. The object of research is the lumbar spine dorsopathies. The subject of research is the dynamics of the painful and musculo-tonic syndromes, mobility, degrees of the functional blocking of spine.

Methods of research: questioning and interrogation, functional assays of the spine mobility, manual examination. 30 persons with lumbar spine dorsopathies with neurological manifestations took part in the research. 15 patients who underwent extended method of therapeutic physical training (TPT) including the way of the complex treatment of the lumbar spine dopsopathies formed the main group. 15 persons who underwent the TPT by the standard method formed the control group. 

Results, received in testing the dynamics of indicators of the spine mobility blocking, painful, musculo-tonic syndrome at the end of physical rehabilitation reliably demonstrate the more significant increase of results in the main group comparing to the control one. It happened first of all due to the use of traction exercises, positions and traction massage that form the complex treatment of the lumbar spine dorsopathies.

An offered way of the complex treatment of the lumbar spine dorsopathies had the more effective impact on an increase of the spine mobility, decrease of the painful syndrome comparing to the standard complex of physical rehabilitation. It gives the reasons to recommend this way for introduction into practice as the mean of special TPT at the hospital stage of treatment. 

Author Biography

Максим Валериевич Манин, State Establishment «DNIPROPETROVSK MEDICAL ACADEMI of Health Ministry of Ukraine» Dserginskogo 9 st. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49044

Department of physical rehabilitation, sports medicine and valeology



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