Informative importance of determination of trace elements in biologocal mediums in patients with endocrine pathology


  • Ирина Николаевна Андрусишина DY “Institute of Occupational Health of NAMS Ukraine” Saksaganskogo str 75, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine



microelementoses, macro and trace elements, heavy metals, thyroid and pancreas, endocrine pathology.


Aim. The changes of mineral metabolism in human organism caused by the deficiency or excess of trace elements in environment (air, food stuffs, water) can lead to disorder of functional status of organism.

An excess or deficiency of the certain metals disturb the balance of metabolic processes in organism that causes the different changes in endocrine system too. That is why the aim of research was to detect the peculiarities of distribution of macro and trace elements in patients with different endocrine pathology and to show the reasonability of the complex approach in assessment of microelementoses at hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus.

Methods. The balance of 15 macro and trace elements in different biological mediums (hairs, whole blood, blood serum, urine) was studied using EAAS and AES-ICP methods.

Result. There was demonstrated the high informative importance of determination of K, Mg, Mn, Cr, Zn at pancreas pathology and Cr, Mn, Se, Zn- at thyroid pathology in human. There was detected that endocrine pathology is characterized with the surplus accumulation of Al, As and Pb in organism of examined patients.

Conclusions. To increase the reliability and efficiency of the clinical diagnostics of endocrine human pathology there was demonstrated the high informative importance of the complex approach in choice of biological mediums at assessment of the trace elements imbalance. 

Author Biography

Ирина Николаевна Андрусишина, DY “Institute of Occupational Health of NAMS Ukraine” Saksaganskogo str 75, Kyiv, Ukraine

Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and monitoring toxic substances

Senior Researcher , Ph.D.


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