Nutrition quality analysis in school-age children


  • Наталия Ивановна Ковтюк Bukovina state medical university 2 Theatre sq, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58000, Ukraine



nutrition quality, quality of life index, school-age children, questioning, self-esteem


School nutrition as a component of quality of life is analyzed. A total of 180 children 10–17 years old are examined. Health indicators studied in conjunction with physiological components of quality of life. The one-sided nutrition principles with predominance of cereals and confectionery products with low consumption of dairy and meat products are determined. The deficit of the fundamental components of nutrition creates a risk factor for health problems and makes preconditions for the development of somatic pathology

Author Biography

Наталия Ивановна Ковтюк, Bukovina state medical university 2 Theatre sq, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58000

Associate professor, Candidate of medical science

Department of pediatrics, neonatology and perinatal medicine


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Biological sciences