Some theoretical and methodological aspects of forecasting the state of forest phytocoenosis


  • Виктория Григорьевна Скляр Sumy National Agrarian University 160 Gerasim Kondratyev str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40021, Ukraine



natural regrowth, forest phytocoenosis, small undergrowth, population, vitality, latitudinal macro-gradient


An approach to forecasting the state of the forest phytocoenosis, based on an assessment of the number of individuals in the areas of natural regrowth of small undergrowth vitality class «а». It is shown that in the north of the north-east of Ukraine in the future is expected to expand the areas of oak and pine-oak forests, in the central - the increase in the proportion of ash tree and maple-ash tree phytocoenosis, in the south – increase of Aser platanoides in the structure of forests

Author Biography

Виктория Григорьевна Скляр, Sumy National Agrarian University 160 Gerasim Kondratyev str., Sumy, Ukraine, 40021

Doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, head of the department

Department ecology and botany


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Biological sciences