Research of the nomenclature of pharmaceutical specialties in Kazakhstan
nomenclature, clinical pharmacist, pharmacist-informer, pharmacist-technologist, questionnaire, pharmacist-manager, respondents, expertsAbstract
Pharmaceutical care, which quality largely depends on the pharmaceutical staff skills, is an integral part of the state system of implementation of the citizens’ rights to protect their health. Concerning this fact, specialists’ professional skills are state controlled and among the objects of relations in the area of remedies state regulation. The existing state control over maintenance personnel involves the implementation of specific actions, including such problem as the pharmaceutical specialties with staff positions harmonization.
Aim: the aim of our research was to study the explanation of necessity to expand the range of existing RK pharmaceutical specialties. Concerning the aim of research, the task was to explain from the scientific point of view the necessity to expand the range of existing RK pharmaceutical specialties and the implementation of new specialty «Clinical pharmacist».
Methods: The study was carried out by both the analytical and sociological methods.
Results: As a result of our sociological research (questionnaires for pharmacists) and literature analysis it was proved the level of professional knowledge and responsibilities of a particular specialty exceed the limits and expand them.
Conclusion: Therefore, it follows that pharmaceutical positions range expansion is a pressing question demanding its solution. We suggest the list of pharmaceutical positions must be determined in accordance with the needs of the circulation of remedies sphere in modern conditions
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Copyright (c) 2015 У. М. Датхаев, А. Р. Шопабаева, Г. Ж. Умурзахова, Тина Сулеймановна Прокопенко

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