Assessment of the water sectors of organism before birth in pregnant women with normal pregnancy


  • Владислав Анатолійович Седінкін State Establishment ‘‘Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine’’ 9 Dzerzhinsky str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49044, Ukraine
  • Дмитро Анатолійович Хасхачих State Establishment ‘‘Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine’’ 9 Dzerzhinsky str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49044, Ukraine
  • Сергій Донатович Євсевський Communal Institution " Dnepropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital № 9" 29 Vorontsova ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49023, Ukraine
  • Галина Михайлівна Макарчук Communal Institution " Dnepropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital № 9" 29 Vorontsova ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49023, Ukraine
  • Світлана Миколаївна Чорноморець Communal Institution " Dnepropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital № 9" 29 Vorontsova ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49023, Ukraine



water sectors of organism, water metabolism, interstitial liquid, pregnancy, birth, impedometry


Aim of research – the study of possibilities and the ground of objective assessment of the water balance of organism before birth.

Methods. There were examined 85 women divided into two groups depending on pregnancy or its absence. In the main group examination was carried out at admission to the delivery room for delivery. The study of the water spaces and sectors of organism was carried out using the method of integral dual-frequency impedometry.

Results. The results of research demonstrated that at the normal pregnancy the whole water volume in organism increased by 22,6 % to the time of birth. An increase of the volume of extracellular liquid to the end of the 3th term of pregnancy was caused by increase of the interstitial liquid volume by 32,4 %.

Conclusion. The timely objective assessment of the water balance during pregnancy, birth and in postnatal period allows to define the differential approach to infusion therapy depending on state and ratio of the water sectors of organism and to raise the quality of medical help that is realized in postnatal period

Author Biographies

Владислав Анатолійович Седінкін, State Establishment ‘‘Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine’’ 9 Dzerzhinsky str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49044

PhD, Assistant

Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine of Postgraduate Faculty

Дмитро Анатолійович Хасхачих, State Establishment ‘‘Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine’’ 9 Dzerzhinsky str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49044

PhD, Assistant

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Сергій Донатович Євсевський, Communal Institution " Dnepropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital № 9" 29 Vorontsova ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49023

Head of the maternity department

Галина Михайлівна Макарчук, Communal Institution " Dnepropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital № 9" 29 Vorontsova ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49023


Світлана Миколаївна Чорноморець, Communal Institution " Dnepropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital № 9" 29 Vorontsova ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49023



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