Destructive forces as determinants of regression process of state apparatus of Ukrainian State of hetman Skoropadsky


  • Микола Миколайович Приходько Institute of Historicall Education of National Dragomanov pedagogical university 9 Pirogovа str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



Ukrainian State, hetman Skoropadsky, German occupation in 1918


In the article it is investigated the process of escalation of social conflict in the Ukrainian State of hetman Skoropadsky, which grew into a peasant war. The factors of dissent among the rural population of Ukrainian State are revealed. The opposition forces who conducted the fight against the invaders - Germany and Austria and the Hetman's power, are considered. Determinant of the negative attitude to hetman power was ruin and arbitrariness on the part of German soldiers to the Ukrainian rural population

Author Biography

Микола Миколайович Приходько, Institute of Historicall Education of National Dragomanov pedagogical university 9 Pirogovа str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Department of history and archeology of slavic peoples


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