The ability to solve methodical tasks as an inner reserve of teacher’s methodical competency


  • Светлана Алексеевна Скворцова State institution «the South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named K. D. Ushinsky» 26 Staroportofrankovskaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65020, Ukraine



teacher's methodical competency, teacher's methodical activity, methodical task, ability to solve methodical tasks


We interprete the teacher's methodical competency as an ability to carry out methodical activity effectively. We present the teacher's methodical activity as solving a number of methodical tasks. Thus, we consider the ability to carry out methodical activity as an ability to solve methodical tasks. We define a methodical task as a situation that occurs in the process of teacher's methodical activity the purpose of which is to teach pupils certain content.

Methodical tasks are classified according to the nature of interaction "teacher-pupil" on practical (providing direct interaction "teacher-pupil") and intellectual (not providing direct interaction "teacher-pupil"); according to problematic level - on standard (a teacher possesses ready means of action with methodical objects) and problematic (a teacher does not possess any examples of methodical activity and is in a situation of uncertainty). The result of teacher's solving a practical methodical task is teaching pupils certain subject contents; the result of teacher's solving an intellectual task is receiving certain methodical concept, fact or method of operation. Meanwhile, both practical and intellectual methodical tasks may occur either standard or problematic for a teacher. On the basis of an author's classification of methodical tasks on standard, problematic, practical and intellectual we've studied the inner composition of the ability to solve different kinds of methodical tasks such as standard intellectual, standard practical, problematic intellectual and problematic practical tasks. It is clear that the inner composition of these abilities much differs, but, in general, in order to solve any methodical task a teacher must carry out a number of actions: 1) a definition of a situation's goal and the conditions of its achievement: a definition of a task and / or analysis of a task situation; 2) actualization of theoretical information and a known way of solving a task; 3) usage of a known way of solving or its development; 4) evaluation of the result; 5) correction of own methodical activity

Author Biography

Светлана Алексеевна Скворцова, State institution «the South Ukrainian national pedagogical University named K. D. Ushinsky» 26 Staroportofrankovskaya str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65020

Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, head of the department

Department of mathematics and methods of teaching


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Pedagogical Education