The analysis and management of factors that form pharmaceutical care for diabetes patients in Ukraine




pharmaceutical care, anti-diabetic remedies, individual medical need


Aim. To analyze the factors that form pressing questions about the management of pharmaceutical care for diabetes patients and to substantiate the ways of its optimization.

Methods. Marketing methods; pharmaceutical informatics methods: determination of information needs, the search and systematization of evidence-based information about remedies, pharmaceutical computer databases development; data synthesis and generalization methods.

Results. The analysis of the theoretic arsenal of anti-diabetic remedies in Ukraine during 2002-2016 years and its quantitative growth from 117 to 364 medicines has been carried out and determined by the developed method. The highest growth dynamics was registered in insulin analogues group (from 0 to 18 remedies). By analyzing computer medicinal passports of diabetes patients a lack of modern treatment regimens use has been registered. A sharp decrease of “Rosiglitazonum” highly effective anti-diabetic remedy use since 2007 and stop using in 2010 has been determined, and the influence of evidence-based medicine results on this process has been studied. The fact of insufficient informing of medical and pharmaceutical specialists in Ukraine about pharmaceutical care for diabetes patients has been found.

Conclusion. In general, theoretical arsenal of anti-diabetes remedies in Ukraine meets the international standards and recommendations about diabetes treatment requirements, while practical pharmacotherapy needs improvement. Evidence-based medicine results should be used to determine perspective need for anti-diabetic medicines. For optimization of pharmaceutical care system for diabetes patients in Ukraine it is necessary to establish specialized pharmacies and to study training program for pharmaceutical specialists

Author Biography

Андрій Ігорович Бойко, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University 69 Pekarska str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79010

PhD (pharmaceutical science), associate professor

Department of management and economy, medicine technology and pharmacoeconomics


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Pharmaceutical Sciences