Development of methods for standardization of tablets with aspen bark extract


  • Оксана Іванівна Онишків Institute of Post-graduate Education I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 1 Voli squ., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001, Ukraine
  • Людмила Вікторівна Вронська Institute of Post-graduate Education I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 1 Voli squ., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001, Ukraine
  • Тарас Андрійович Грошовий I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 1 Voli squ., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001, Ukraine



tablets, peptic ulcer disease, aspen bark dry extract, flavonoids, phenol carbonic acids, standardization


Aim. Development of methods for standardization (identification and assay) of tablets with aspen bark extract.

Methods. Tablets containing dry extract of aspen bark, 0.05 g, were the object of research. For dry aspen bark extract identification a thin layer chromatography (TLC) method was used. Silica Gel 60 F254 («Merck», Germany) TLC plates, «CAMAG» TLC developing chamber, Linomat 5 («CAMAG», Switzerland) applicator, «CAMAG» UV-lamp to scan the chromatogram, and standard samples of hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids were used. Exact mass of standard samples were dissolved in appropriate volumes of methanol. To quantify hydroxycinnamic acids, spectroscopy method was used by Cary-50 Spectrometer. The hydroxycinnamic acids content calculated as caffeic was determined.

Results. On the basis of modern approaches to standardization of herbal medicines methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of active pharmaceutical ingredients of aspen bark extract in tablets were developed. The presence of phenolcarbonic acids and flavonoids (TLC method) were considered as identification criteria of aspen bark extract quality in developed tablets. Taking into account phenolcarbonic acids content in aspen bark extract and the extract content in developed tablets, as well as results of developed tablets analysis, it was theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed that phenolcarbonic acids content in the range from 2.7 to 3.3 mg calculated as the average tablet weight and caffeic acid should be chosen as quantitative criteria of developed tablets.

Conclusion. Methods for identification and quantitative determination of aspen bark extract in tablets were developed; study in area of the selection of tablets quality indicators was carried out

Author Biographies

Оксана Іванівна Онишків, Institute of Post-graduate Education I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 1 Voli squ., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy, Educational and Scientific

Людмила Вікторівна Вронська, Institute of Post-graduate Education I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 1 Voli squ., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy, Educational and Scientific

Тарас Андрійович Грошовий, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University 1 Voli squ., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Pharmacy Management, Economics and Technology


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Pharmaceutical Sciences