Psychopathological and pathopsychological features of depressive disorders in patients with schizophrenia


  • Наталія Олександрівна Марута “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” 46 Academic Pavlov str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068, Ukraine
  • Галина Юріївна Каленська “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” 46 Academic Pavlov str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068, Ukraine
  • Ліана Володимирівна Малюта “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” 46 Academic Pavlov str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068, Ukraine



schizophrenia, depressive disorders, syndrome complex, pathopsychological features, clinical-psychopathological features, duration of disease


Analysis of the modern literature on the problem of depressive disorders in schizophrenia structure demonstrated that despite the acceptance of the important role of depressive disorders at schizophrenia there are no single opinion about its place, clinical assessment, therapy, prognostic value for today and the conclusions of different authors on this problem are ambiguous and contradictory that proves that the researches of this direction are timely.

Aim of research – to study the clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological features of depressive disorders in patients with schizophrenia for improvement of diagnostics of this pathology.

Materials and methods. 120 patients with schizophrenia and depressive symptomatology in the clinical picture took part in research. They were divided into 3 groups according to the aim of research: 38 patients with schizophrenia with the duration of disease less than 5 years (I group), 39 patients with the duration of disease 7-8 years (II group) and 43 patients with duration of disease more than 13 years (III group).

For realization of the aim were used the following methods: clinical-psychopathological that included the assessment of psychic state of patient (collection of complaints, anamnesis, its psychopathological interpretation); Calgary depression scale schizophrenia (CDSS); WHO brief questionnaire of the quality of life (WHOQOL- BREF); questionnaire of the social isolation “The method of evaluation of the suicide risk”, “Self-actualization test” and method of statistical processing of the received data.

Results of research. At the research was studied and described the syndrome structure of depression at schizophrenia and pathopsychological features of demonstration of depression at schizophrenia. There was shown that at the different stages of disease depression undergo the significant changes: anxious and obsessive syndrome complexes with time lose its emotional specificity and transform into apathetic-adynamic and anesthetic syndromes. In the process of disease dystrophic and depressive-paranoid syndromes come to the forefront.

Conclusions. In the result of research was revealed the negative dynamics of demonstration of the depressive symptoms at schizophrenia, the level of social isolation, suicide risk, life quality, alexithymia and self-appraisal depending on duration of disease

Author Biographies

Наталія Олександрівна Марута, “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” 46 Academic Pavlov str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director on Research Work

State Establishment 

Галина Юріївна Каленська, “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” 46 Academic Pavlov str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068

Senior scientific fellow

Ліана Володимирівна Малюта, “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” 46 Academic Pavlov str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61068

Young scientific fellow


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