Analysis of temporary modes of the solar collectors




solar collector, efficiency calculation algorithm, heat generation mode, weather conditions, solar radiation concentrator


The object of this study is collector. Approximate models of basis collector efficiency dependency on the temperature difference between the "collector-environment" are proposed. Analysis of the modes for producing hot water at a constant temperature and a predetermined area of the collector at different times of the year is conducted. It is found that intensity of heat generation is in winter 75, in autumn 130 and in summer 400 liters / day for water temperature 50 and area of the vacuum collector 6.25 m2. The necessity of solving the problem of optimizing the production of hot water in different seasons is shown and variants of its solution are proposed

Author Biography

Андрей Витальевич Фролов, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Nauki ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Technology and automation of production of radio-electronic and computing equipment


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Technical Sciences