Development of the methods for improvement of tram energomechanical performance by implementation of new tram crossings
tram rails, new tram crossings, movement dynamics of the tram, oscillations harmonicsAbstract
Repair efficiency improvement consists in the development of technical service and repair control systems, in expansion of developments and applying of the modern means of wagon diagnostics technologies. Timely repair increases the service life of the tram and reduces material and energy losses. The issues for determination of guiding forces using computer facilities are considered, an assessment of safety for wagon movement in the curves are given
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Copyright (c) 2016 Олександр Миколайович Кузнецов, Денис Юрійович Зубенко, Віктор Васильович Ліньков, Олександр Миколайович Петренко, Любов Олександрівна Каци

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