Analysis of internal audit mechanismes in military units of the national guard of ukraine


  • Марія Олексіївна Науменко National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine Zahysnykiv Ukrainy sq., 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001, Ukraine



internal audit, military unit, budget, audit program, controlled entities


Analysis of internal audit mechanisms in military units of the National Guard of Ukraine is proposed in the article. Special attention is endowed with the planning of internal audit. The basic laws and regulations of for audit in military units are defined. Controlled entities of internal audit in military units of the National Guard of Ukraine are highlighted and analyzed in detail

Author Biography

Марія Олексіївна Науменко, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine Zahysnykiv Ukrainy sq., 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001

Doctor of Philosophy economic direction

Department of Management and the military economy


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