Selection and calculation of optimum hydraulic scheme of heliocollector with the vacuumized tubular heat receivers




hydraulic scheme, heliocollector, absorber, heat carrier, tubular heat receivers, resistance, expense, flow, calculation


On the basis of the executed calculations the optimum hydraulic scheme of a heliocollector with the vacuumized tubular heat receivers based on the concentrator of solar radiation like D-foklin (compound dielectric concentrator), which will provide uniform distribution of the heat carrier on all pipe lattice with the smallest hydraulic resistance, is determined. The performed research allows to ensure reliable functioning of the concentrating heliocollector with the maximum thermotechnical efficiency within the temperature range of 100-200 °C

Author Biographies

Sergii Khotin, Odessa National Maritime University Mechnikova str., 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

Department "Health and safety, ecology and chemistry"

Оlexandra Vasilchenko, Odessa National Maritime University Mechnikova str., 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Senior laboratory assistant

Department "Health and safety, ecology and chemistry"


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Technical Sciences