Differential approach to planning of training loads in person with connective tissue dysplasia symptoms


  • Олег Борисович Неханевич SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine" Komunarivska str., 16/268, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49000, Ukraine




athletes, physical activity, connective tissue dysplasia


Introduction. When dealing with issues of access and planning of training and competitive pressures special interest cause the person with signs of connective tissue dysplasia.

Aim. Improvement of medical support of training process of athletes with signs of connective tissue dysplasia.

Materials and methods. 188 athletes are examined, including 59 with signs of connective tissue dysplasia. There are made the basic group. Signs of systemic involvement of connective tissue are determined using anthropometry and somatoscopy. An echocardiographic examination is conducted for all athletes at rest and during bicycle ergometry in regenerative period conducted.

Results. Underweight body, acromacria, hypermobility of joints and flat feet are often observed with signs of systemic involvement of connective tissue.

During veloergometry it was established deterioration of myocardial relaxation during diastole core group of athletes while performing load average power, which led to a drop in ejection fraction at submaximal levels of exertion.

Conclusions. Existence of connective tissue dysplasia in athletes with different prognosis states requires sports physicians an in-depth analysis and differential diagnosis of clinical forms in order to prevent complications during training and competitive pressures. Early signs of cardiac strain while performing physical activity in athletes with signs of connective tissue dysplasia were symptoms of myocardial relaxation on indicators of diastolic heart function. Ejection fraction at rest remained at normal levels

Author Biography

Олег Борисович Неханевич, SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine" Komunarivska str., 16/268, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49000

Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor, head of department

Department of physical rehabilitation, sports medicine and valeology


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