Classification of volyn forests according to data of multispectral satellite images




remote sensing of the earth, space image, monitoring of forests, controlled classification, standard


The article deals with the issue of combining modern open geographic information systems and data from remote sensing of the Earth in the tasks of forest management. Classifiers have been developed based on the method of field uplift and the designation of landfills on the basis of existing plans for afforestation. Controlled classification of research objects is conducted and the accuracy of the results is evaluated. It is established that the accuracy of the determination of individual classes directly depends on the percentage of objects and errors of the end user in the process of their definition

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Melnyk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Voli ave., 13, Lutsk, Ukraine, 43025

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre

Pavlo Manko, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Voli ave., 13, Lutsk, Ukraine, 43025

Postgraduate student

Department of Geodesy, Land Management and Cadastre


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Technical Sciences