Patterns of sand fractions influence on microalgae of the marine coast


  • Anastasiya Snigirova Odessa National Mechnikov University st. Dvoryanskaya, 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65000, Ukraine
  • Borys Aleksandrov Institute of Marine Biology Pushkin str., 37, Odessa, Ukraine, 65011, Ukraine



phytopsammon, benthos, microalgae, abundance, sand grain composition


To study effect of grain size on microalgae a new method is proposed: sand of different fractions is glued to the surface of microscope slides. Microalgae abundance was higher on fine sand grains (<0,25 mm). To forecast microalgae abundance the pattern is proposed depending on size of sand grains. 

Author Biographies

Anastasiya Snigirova, Odessa National Mechnikov University st. Dvoryanskaya, 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65000

Senior lecturer

Department of Hydrobiology and general ecology

Borys Aleksandrov, Institute of Marine Biology Pushkin str., 37, Odessa, Ukraine, 65011

Corresponding member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, director


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Biological sciences