An efficency of use phonophoresis with an ointment on the basis of chondroitin sulfate and dimetil sulfoxide at the treatment of patients with arthritis of knee joints


  • Виктор Александрович Вишневский SU «Dnepropetrovsk medical institute of traditional and non-traditional medicine» Ministry of Health of Ukraine 17 Sevastopol str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005 KU «Dnepropetrovsk Municipal Clinical Hospital № 16» DOS 19 Heroes of Stalingrad str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49068, Ukraine



arthritis, knee joints, therapy, chondroitin sulfates, phonophoresis


Osteoarthritis is a frequent disease in people especially of the mean and elderly age.

Aim of research: the study of an efficiency of phonophoresis with an ointment on the basis of chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfoxide at treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of knee joints in the outpatient setting.  

Material and methods. Research was carried out by the clinical and laboratory examinations of 40 patients with osteoarthritis of knee joints in the outpatient setting.   Patients were distributed between the main and control group depending on an approach to treatment. Indicators before and after treatment in all patients were assessed on 2 scales: the scale of assessment of knee joints (on J.N. Insall et al 1976) - (7 points) and 2) Oxford scale for knee joints (on W. Dawson et al, 1998) - (12 point). The level of oxyproline in daily urine was examined in all patients.

Results and discussions. The degree of manifestation of pain syndrome, movement amplitude and an everyday motor activity are the parameters of an efficiency of treatment.

Author noticed the more apparent efficiency of treatment in patients of the main group who underwent phonophoresis after rubbing an ointment on the basis of chondroitin sulfate in the region of injured knee joint.

Disappearance of pains after 10 PhPh with an ointment on the basis of chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfoxide was noticed in 6 (30%) patients and diminution of pain intensity in 12 (60%) patients. So the general efficiency of treatment is 90% in the main group in relation to 70% of general efficiency of treatment without use this ointment in the control group.

Conclusions. 1. Phonophoresis with an ointment on the basis of chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfoxide is a safe and rather effective method of treatment patients with osteoarthritis of knee joints of I-III radiographic stage, an efficiency of treatment is 90%.

2. The use of phonophoresis with an ointment containing combination of chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfoxide in patients with osteoarthritis allows increase an efficiency of treatment by 20 % in comparison with standard scheme of physiotherapy in the control group.

3.      Positive dynamics on the background of treatment was confirmed by the 2 international tests and laboratory examination of the level of oxyproline in daily urine and also by the more fast disappearance or decrease of pain syndrome and by increase of joints function in patients of the main group.

4.      The use of phonophoresis with an ointment on the basis of chondroitin sulfates and dimethyl sulfoxide on injured knee joint is prescribed not only for inpatient treatment but also for an outpatient one at aftercare of residual effects especially in persons of an elderly age as a more available method that allows increase the quality of life in patients

Author Biography

Виктор Александрович Вишневский, SU «Dnepropetrovsk medical institute of traditional and non-traditional medicine» Ministry of Health of Ukraine 17 Sevastopol str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49005 KU «Dnepropetrovsk Municipal Clinical Hospital № 16» DOS 19 Heroes of Stalingrad str., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49068

Honoured doctor of Ukraine, doctor of medical science, dotsent

Heads doctor


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