About the objectivity of the use of pedagogical invariants


  • Юрій Георгійович Подошвелев Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko str. Ostrogradsky 2, Poltava, ukraine, 36000, Ukraine




principle of symmetry, invariant, group, analytical model, pedagogical system, formalization, classification


The analysis of pedagogical invariant concept is conducted. The necessity of application of symmetry is reasonable at the construction of mathematical models of the pedagogical systems. It is shown that every pedagogical system is stipulated by the original set of invariants. It offers to use invariant constituents with the aim of classification of the pedagogical systems. It is suggested to revise main pedagogical laws in relation to temporal and spatial translations, dilatations, and also principles of equality and interconversion

Author Biography

Юрій Георгійович Подошвелев, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko str. Ostrogradsky 2, Poltava, ukraine, 36000

Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Department of mathematical analysis and Informatics


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