Creative and communicative attitude of the future teacher as a pedagogical problem


  • Людмила Степановна Левченко Sumy State Pedagogical University named after Anton Makarenko, Sumy? Romenska Str., 87, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000, Ukraine



creative personality, personality’s attitude, communication, communicative attitude, communicative activities, educational activities.


The dynamics of the development of society and the emergence of new opportunities to expand a professional potential of the modern specialist in the field of education require detailed consideration of the issue of communication training of future teachers, the creation of appropriate conditions for enhancing the creative communicative attitude that will be improving the level of teacher’s professionalism. The development of personal needs in communicative activities, ensuring a high level of mastery of the communication skills system was determined in the article.

Author Biography

Людмила Степановна Левченко, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after Anton Makarenko, Sumy? Romenska Str., 87, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000

Department of pedagogics of higher school and pedagogical management

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor


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