The emotional component of professional intelligence of future social sphere specialists


  • Оксана Богданівна Мельничук National Pedagogical Dragomanov University 9 Pyrogova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



professional intelligence, professional intelligence of future social sphere specialists, emotional intelligence


The emotional component of professional intelligence of future social sphere specialists is studied. Importance of emotional area in professional activities of social workers is analyses. Specifics of manifestation of emotional features (emotional intelligence, emotional communication barriers, emotional reaction type, alexithymia) of the students, who are future social sphere professionals are determined. Psychological conditions emotional area developing as a component of professional intelligence of future social sphere professionals are detected.

Author Biography

Оксана Богданівна Мельничук, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University 9 Pyrogova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Associate professor, Candidate of psychological sciences

Manager of department of a particular psychology and management psychology


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Psychological science