Teacher’s personality and psychological features of the image of the teenagers’ world


  • Вікторія Іванівна Січка Institute of Post-Graduate Education in Zakarpattia 35 Volosyna str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000, Ukraine




perception, worldview, adolescence, two-parent and single-parent families, self-consciousness, visualization, valuable orientations


The article analyzes the results of the study of psychological features of the image of the world, and the features of worldview and value orientations of teenagers of different social groups , namely: understanding of the meaning of life, positive and negative in life, understanding the values of the modern world . When analyzing the results of the study the main categories of visualization of the image "symbol of life" were selected

Author Biography

Вікторія Іванівна Січка, Institute of Post-Graduate Education in Zakarpattia 35 Volosyna str., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000


Center for Applied Psychology, Social Work and Special Education


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Pedagogical Education